Flow Forward NJ Flow Forward NJ

Flow Forward NJ Announces Partnership with Cathedral Kitchen to Provide Menstrual Products in Camden

Initiative is Funded by the Pad Project’s Leap of Faith grant

Flow Forward NJ today announced its partnership with Cathedral Kitchen to distribute personalized amounts of menstrual products to those in need. This initiative is made possible through $500 worth of period products provided by The Pad Project’s Leap of Faith grant. 

“We are grateful for the Pad Project’s support for menstrual equity that allows us to partner with Cathedral Kitchen to disseminate products to menstruating individuals in Camden,” said Executive Director of Flow Forward NJ Sarah McClure. “The freedom to bleed is a fundamental human right, and we are proud to help ensure that this right is upheld in Camden. We are excited to see the positive impact this initiative will have.” 

The Pad Project has donated $500 worth of day pads, regular tampons, super tampons, and liners to Flow Forward NJ (FFNJ). FFNJ will offer patrons makeup bags filled with the types and quantities of these period products they request. On their next visit to Cathedral Kitchen, patrons are encouraged to bring their makeup bag and refill it with the products of their choice. The grant-provided menstrual products will be distributed monthly, or until supplies are exhausted. 

“This refill concept allows us to build a better understanding of the type and number of products patrons request, which will help our team improve our flow kit program in the future,” said FFNJ Board of Trustees Vice Chair Miranda Toner. “We thank The Pad Project for this funding and Cathedral Kitchen for its partnership. Together, we will end period poverty in New Jersey.”

“We are grateful for the partnership we have with Flow Forward NJ to help our guests with much needed feminine hygiene products.  Our personal care program saw a 32% increase in toiletry items distributed here at Cathedral Kitchen compared to 2022 and more than 76% of our meal guests take advantage of the personal care service of items distributed each week, including 3,332 feminine products, said Cathedral Kitchen Community Relations Director Alex Wills. “We appreciate Flow Forward NJ’s support and donations which help those in need in our community.”

The Pad Project’s Leap of Faith grant is awarded annually to new and startup nonprofits in order to fund the distribution of menstrual products in unique ways.  

Flow Forward NJ started as Project Period in January of 2022 by Sarah McClure and Logan Johnson at Rowan University. The two came together after noticing the lack of menstrual products on campus. They gathered a group of dedicated volunteers and worked with companies across the world to source donations of disposable and reusable products. 

After recognizing the need for more than just college solutions, the organization became the nonprofit known as Flow Forward NJ. Today, Flow Forward NJ is dedicated to bringing menstrual equity to New Jersey. We accept physical donations via mail and by organizing donation drives, and monetary donations on our website.

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